CEO and director, Caroline Hooper’s advice after Noelle’s first Treatment;







Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal Dublin

Girls with Game gets Laser Hair Removal

So why was Noelle interested in undergoing Laser hair removal?

If you’re a football lover and don’t know her, you must have been living under a rock for the past year because she is one of Ireland’s biggest football bloggers with a following of just under 50,000 followers on Instagram alone which brings us to why Noelle so badly needed Laser Hair Removal. Noelle is always posting pictures of new football boots, socks and shorts and constantly must ensure that her legs are silky smooth to be Instagram ready.

Noelle went on to tell Caroline that she was reluctant to undergo the treatment before as she had her doubts on whether she was suitable for treatment or not while in fact she is the perfect candidate as she has pale skin and dark hair.

*Remember, the laser works by picking up the pigment in your hair so the paler you skin and the darker your hair, the better your results are going to be.

Like a lot of people, Noelle also thought that you had to let your hair grow out to undergo the treatment while in fact, you need to be clean shaven.



Laser hair removal Dublin

What was so bad about shaving and waxing?

Noelle told Caroline that like a lot of us, when she continually shaves sensitive areas like her armpits, a rash develops and surprisingly that waxing just doesn’t work for. She explained that her hair grows back within 2-3 days.

The only solution for Noelle is laser hair removal and luckily, we can offer her high speed vacuum assist technology using the LightSheer DUET like we do with all of our clients and it is very safe, fast and comfortable to undergo.

What was the pain like?

Noelle gave the treatment at 1 out of 5 pain level on all areas that were treated. She said the most uncomfortable area was the back of knees but even at that she said she wouldn’t of described it as being anyway painful.

“It’s not sore at all,” Noelle Francis.

Girls with Game gets Laser Hair Removal

So why was Noelle interested in undergoing Laser hair removal?

If you’re a football lover and don’t know her, you must have been living under a rock for the past year because she is one of Ireland’s biggest football bloggers with a following of just under 50,000 followers on Instagram alone which brings us to why Noelle so badly needed Laser Hair Removal. Noelle is always posting pictures of new football boots, socks and shorts and constantly must ensure that her legs are silky smooth to be Instagram ready.

Noelle went on to tell Caroline that she was reluctant to undergo the treatment before as she had her doubts on whether she was suitable for treatment or not while in fact she is the perfect candidate as she has pale skin and dark hair.

*Remember, the laser works by picking up the pigment in your hair so the paler you skin and the darker your hair, the better your results are going to be.

Like a lot of people, Noelle also thought that you had to let your hair grow out to undergo the treatment while in fact, you need to be clean shaven.



Laser hair removal Dublin

What was so bad about shaving and waxing?

Noelle told Caroline that like a lot of us, when she continually shaves sensitive areas like her armpits, a rash develops and surprisingly that waxing just doesn’t work for. She explained that her hair grows back within 2-3 days.

The only solution for Noelle is laser hair removal and luckily, we can offer her high speed vacuum assist technology using the LightSheer DUET like we do with all of our clients and it is very safe, fast and comfortable to undergo.

What was the pain like?

Noelle gave the treatment at 1 out of 5 pain level on all areas that were treated. She said the most uncomfortable area was the back of knees but even at that she said she wouldn’t of described it as being anyway painful.

“It’s not sore at all,” Noelle Francis.

The first FDA approved Weight loss Treatment

It’s the first FDA approved laser for a non-invasive weight loss treatment and it destroys your fat cells. Sign Assure have 25 years of experience in creating and developing fat blasting technology which is how they’ve managed to create this extraordinary piece of technology.


Check out Paul Gibbons, their business development manager explain how it works in further detail.  

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The first FDA approved Weight loss Treatment

It’s the first FDA approved laser for a non-invasive weight loss treatment and it destroys your fat cells. Sign Assure have 25 years of experience in creating and developing fat blasting technology which is how they’ve managed to create this extraordinary piece of technology.


Check out Paul Gibbons, their business development manager explain how it works in further detail.  

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How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

What do I have to do for pre-appointment preparation?


So the main way in which you prepare for treatment is by having your consultation and patch test. This is where we can assure that you are suitable for laser hair removal by checking your medical history and ensuring that no medication you’re on now will stop you from having the treatment. Some of the questions we ask at the consultation are asked again before every treatment as with medication changes we need to ensure that it is safe to go ahead with the treatment.


If you are in the middle of your course of treatment and must undergo a course of antibiotics, we will not be able to treat during this time and you will be able to continue with treatment when you finish the medication.

When you start treatment, you must ensure that every area you are having treated is clean shaven, if the area is not shaven, we are unable to treat, however if there are small areas you have missed, we will be able to go ahead with treatment tidying up the areas.


No fake tan can be present on the skin so if you are a tan lover, you need ensure that you don’t apply tan 2-3 weeks before treatment.


If you are planning a sun holiday, you must be 28 days clear of sun exposure before undergoing treatment again.

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

What do I have to do for pre-appointment preparation?


So the main way in which you prepare for treatment is by having your consultation and patch test. This is where we can assure that you are suitable for laser hair removal by checking your medical history and ensuring that no medication you’re on now will stop you from having the treatment. Some of the questions we ask at the consultation are asked again before every treatment as with medication changes we need to ensure that it is safe to go ahead with the treatment.


If you are in the middle of your course of treatment and must undergo a course of antibiotics, we will not be able to treat during this time and you will be able to continue with treatment when you finish the medication.

When you start treatment, you must ensure that every area you are having treated is clean shaven, if the area is not shaven, we are unable to treat, however if there are small areas you have missed, we will be able to go ahead with treatment tidying up the areas.


No fake tan can be present on the skin so if you are a tan lover, you need ensure that you don’t apply tan 2-3 weeks before treatment.


If you are planning a sun holiday, you must be 28 days clear of sun exposure before undergoing treatment again.


How does Fungal Nail Start?

Fungal nail can be brought on from various factors. One of the main ones and this might shock you, is that the infection is so highly contagious. So how can you avoid catching this unsightly infection from someone else? Avoid walking around barefoot at home even if none of your family members have the infection. A lot of people with the infection, don’t even know that they have it so you can never be too cautious.

Avoid walking barefoot in your local gym and gym changing room and showers, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be entering a showering or walking somewhere where someone has walked who has the infection. Speaking of gyms, continuously wearing sweaty shoes makes you more likely to develop the infection so ensure to air out your shoes after the gym and maybe use a shoe spray if you’re a gym bunny! While working your butt off in the gym to look good, the last thing you want is to end up with some ferocious looking finger tips!

For all you heel lovers or in fact shoe fanatics!! Have you ever wanted to buy a pair of shoes so badly that even if they don’t have your size, you buy them anyway? Buying a smaller size with the plan to stretch them out? Well stop it because buying tight shoes can caused fungal nail to develop and no pair of stilettos is worth that!

If this whole blog was irrelevant because you already have the infection, our only piece of advice is to nip it in the bud and get it resolved asap! Check out the laser fungal nail treatment page. It’s not going to go away by itself, in fact, it’ll just get worst.



How does Fungal Nail Start?

Fungal nail can be brought on from various factors. One of the main ones and this might shock you, is that the infection is so highly contagious. So how can you avoid catching this unsightly infection from someone else? Avoid walking around barefoot at home even if none of your family members have the infection. A lot of people with the infection, don’t even know that they have it so you can never be too cautious.

Avoid walking barefoot in your local gym and gym changing room and showers, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be entering a showering or walking somewhere where someone has walked who has the infection. Speaking of gyms, continuously wearing sweaty shoes makes you more likely to develop the infection so ensure to air out your shoes after the gym and maybe use a shoe spray if you’re a gym bunny! While working your butt off in the gym to look good, the last thing you want is to end up with some ferocious looking finger tips!

For all you heel lovers or in fact shoe fanatics!! Have you ever wanted to buy a pair of shoes so badly that even if they don’t have your size, you buy them anyway? Buying a smaller size with the plan to stretch them out? Well stop it because buying tight shoes can caused fungal nail to develop and no pair of stilettos is worth that!

If this whole blog was irrelevant because you already have the infection, our only piece of advice is to nip it in the bud and get it resolved asap! Check out the laser fungal nail treatment page. It’s not going to go away by itself, in fact, it’ll just get worst.


Lemon and Tomato Face Mask

We listed for you the Ingredients and Directions needed for your own face mask


Lemon Juice – 1 Tea Spoon

Tomato Juice – 1 Tea Spoon

Honey – ¼ Tea Spoon



Squeeze the juice from the lemon and tomato ensuring that you do not get any of the seeds in the mix. Following this, add the honey and mix until all ingredients are mixed well together. Gently apply the mask all over your skin and try to achieve even coverage.


How do the ingredients benefit our skin?

Tomato – Protects your skin against ultraviolet lights. Tomatoes enable your skin to take in oxygen, delaying ageing and wrinkling.

Lemon – Antibacterial and helps reduce acne. Lemon is also packed full of citric acid and vitamin C which will brighten your skin over time.

Honey – Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, so it helps to reduce the appearance of acne scarring.


Leave this mask on for 15 – 20 minutes. then wash it off gently with water.

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