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After having the ever so lovely Miss Fit Skinny Tea in for Micro-Needling, we thought our clients might like to know a little bit more about the treatment and why so many people including celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston are opting for this treatment.

Ruth Hetherington (as seen on Xposé), who you may also know as the Blogger, “Miss Fit Skinny Tea” and the creator and CEO of “The Miss Fit Life”, was seen by Yasmin for micro-needling in our Dundrum clinic.

For those of you who don’t know what micro-needling is, the treatment works by allowing the skin to heal itself by puncturing the dermis with microscopic needles. The treatment stimulates your own collagen and elastin. It can be used on areas such as Stretch marks, Scarring, Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Open Pores and Blocked Pores.

The treatment also improves overall skin health.

If you missed Ruth’s Snap-chat story where she documented the full procedure, she explained about how she had had a bad break out years prior which had left her with acne scarring, which is one of the reasons she was interested in the treatment.

A lot of clients are concerned about the procedure being painful, however whilst having the treatment you feel no pain. This is because our therapists numb your skin with a numbing cream before undergoing the treatment.

Whilst carrying out the treatment, we have a couple of different pieces of technology that can be used, however the most technologically advanced is The Derma Pen. The Derma Pen is a hand held device and is about the size of a pen. For every treatment, a new piece containing needles is inserted into the top of the pen. It penetrates the skin at different levels depending on initial skin concerns or the depth of scarring. This would be more commonly used on facial areas and was used for Ruth’s micro needling treatment. The other form that micro needling can take is as a roller which would be more commonly used on areas like stretch marks.

Here at Havana Skin Clinic, we love the Derma Pen because it poses too many benefits to not!

  • Safe for all skin types
  • Effective anti-ageing treatment
  • Proven treatment for acne scars
  • Minimal downtime
  • Suitable for delicate areas like under the eyes


Clients who opt for Micro-Needling can expect the skins thickness being increased by up to 80%, SMOOTHING SCARS, VISIBLY REDUCING STRETCH MARKS and ERASING WRINKES!!!!!!!!

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Now that’s magic!! No wonder Kimmy K and Jennifer Aniston love it.

From all of us here at Havana Therapy,

feel beautiful, be happy; Confidence key.


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