How to Top up your Instagram Game

While having soccer blogger, Noelle Francis in for her laser hair removal treatment we HAD to ask her. “Noelle, how can we top up our Instagram Game?” No pun intended and her response shocked us. She told us that someone has in fact reached out to her to start promoting her brand on Instagram and from there she made sure to maintain her profile and keep her Instagram profile fresh and original.


1. Always make time to reply to people.

2.Give people advice if they ask for it. She went on to say that it’s important to make time to reply to people and interact. From this she said that her following grew and people knew that they could rely on her for real advice.

3. She ended by saying that the more she gives out, the more she gets back so her final piece of advice was to just keep posting and keep replying.


I think we can all agree that keeping it original is not something we’re worried about Noelle achieving, being a soccer blogger, she is one hundred and ten percent owning the game.



Don’t buy Image Skincare Products Online!!

So, what influenced us to educate you guys on this topic? Karen, our Sword’s manager recently saw a client with an extremely impaired barrier function in her skin, her skin was extremely dry from using Image products she had bought online. The products she had purchased were unsuitable for her skin and so she broke the barrier on her skin and was continuously applying the wrong products to her skin which were penetrating further into her skin due to the barrier being broken causing more adverse effects. When the client was brought in for her skin consultation, as usual she was asked to bring her products in with her and what we found was:


1. Spelling mistakes on the back of the bottles.

2. Discolouration’s on the packaging.

3. The texture of the products was not right either.

Why not to purchase Image Skincare Peel products online?

It’s a cosmeceutical brand meaning it’s a blend between your cosmetic and pharmaceutical and they contain ingredients targeted at various skin needs so if your using the wrong ingredients for your skins needs, you’ll end up causing the wrong reaction on your skin.

What can we do for our new client who is suffering with the impaired barrier function?

Set her up on a new skin regime, getting back to good skin health will take time as while using the wrong products beforehand, they did penetrate too far.

Check out this video to see Karen explain this topic in further detail also using our Retinol-A as an example.

Don’t buy Image Skincare Products Online!!

So, what influenced us to educate you guys on this topic? Karen, our Sword’s manager recently saw a client with an extremely impaired barrier function in her skin, her skin was extremely dry from using Image products she had bought online. The products she had purchased were unsuitable for her skin and so she broke the barrier on her skin and was continuously applying the wrong products to her skin which were penetrating further into her skin due to the barrier being broken causing more adverse effects. When the client was brought in for her skin consultation, as usual she was asked to bring her products in with her and what we found was:


1. Spelling mistakes on the back of the bottles.

2. Discolouration’s on the packaging.

3. The texture of the products was not right either.

Why not to purchase Image Skincare Peel products online?

It’s a cosmeceutical brand meaning it’s a blend between your cosmetic and pharmaceutical and they contain ingredients targeted at various skin needs so if your using the wrong ingredients for your skins needs, you’ll end up causing the wrong reaction on your skin.

What can we do for our new client who is suffering with the impaired barrier function?

Set her up on a new skin regime, getting back to good skin health will take time as while using the wrong products beforehand, they did penetrate too far.

Check out this video to see Karen explain this topic in further detail also using our Retinol-A as an example.

Blueberry Bomb!!

(Because this face mask is literally the bomb!! It’s an all-rounder and can improve almost all skin types in some way.)

We listed for you the Ingredients and Directions for your very own Blueberry Bomb.


1 tablespoon of blended or mashed blueberries

1 tablespoon of oats

The juice of half a lemon



Mix the blended berries and oats together, then add the lemon juice. If the consistency is too thick then add more lemon juice.


How do the ingredients benefit our skin?

Blueberries – Rich in fibres, vitamins A and C, high anti-oxidants and full of nutrients.

Oatmeal – Full of fats that are moisturising. Because of its rough texture, it also makes for a fantastic scrub. It also cleanses your skin removing any dirt and oil.

Lemon – Antibacterial and helps reduce acne. Lemon is also packed full of citric acid and vitamin C which will brighten your skin over time.


Leave this mask on for 10 – 15 minutes.

Blueberry Bomb!!

(Because this face mask is literally the bomb!! It’s an all-rounder and can improve almost all skin types in some way.)

We listed for you the Ingredients and Directions for your very own Blueberry Bomb.


1 tablespoon of blended or mashed blueberries

1 tablespoon of oats

The juice of half a lemon



Mix the blended berries and oats together, then add the lemon juice. If the consistency is too thick then add more lemon juice.


How do the ingredients benefit our skin?

Blueberries – Rich in fibres, vitamins A and C, high anti-oxidants and full of nutrients.

Oatmeal – Full of fats that are moisturising. Because of its rough texture, it also makes for a fantastic scrub. It also cleanses your skin removing any dirt and oil.

Lemon – Antibacterial and helps reduce acne. Lemon is also packed full of citric acid and vitamin C which will brighten your skin over time.


Leave this mask on for 10 – 15 minutes.

Stretch Mark Reduction – Shapes and Shadows Review.

We needed the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on this one which is why we set Caroline the challenge of getting Amy’s 100% truthful review on how the treatment was. We know the results are incredibly but that must come at a cost, right??

Let’s find out:

Microdermabrasion – “You could feel the suction and a slight scrape, bearable, you wouldn’t of even know anything was happening.” We’ll take it!


Micro Needling – A lot worse than the microdermabrasion but you could sit through it. It was like a scraping sensation and worse at the sides and around bone areas than anywhere else.


Radio Frequency – Fine on certain areas but the closer Caroline got to the bones, the more Amy could feel it but the more gel Caroline applied, the more comfortable the treatment became.


We can’t tell you how Amy got on with the home care but we promise we’ll keep you posted. 😉 



Stretch Mark Reduction – Shapes and Shadows Review.

We needed the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on this one which is why we set Caroline the challenge of getting Amy’s 100% truthful review on how the treatment was. We know the results are incredibly but that must come at a cost, right??

Let’s find out:

Microdermabrasion – “You could feel the suction and a slight scrape, bearable, you wouldn’t of even know anything was happening.” We’ll take it!


Micro Needling – A lot worse than the microdermabrasion but you could sit through it. It was like a scraping sensation and worse at the sides and around bone areas than anywhere else.


Radio Frequency – Fine on certain areas but the closer Caroline got to the bones, the more Amy could feel it but the more gel Caroline applied, the more comfortable the treatment became.


We can’t tell you how Amy got on with the home care but we promise we’ll keep you posted. 😉 



Reducing stretch marks with Shapes and Shadows

We recently saw Amy of the blog, Shapes and Shadow visit our Sword’s clinic to undergo stretch mark reduction treatment.

Caroline began by explaining to Amy that stretch marks are the most difficult things to treat but possible and went on to tell Amy that before she begins treatment, she has to take a look at the stretch marks before determining what would be the best treatment.

After looking at the area, Caroline knows that the best way to treat the area is by a combination treatment to give the best response.

The following is step by step what treatment Caroline performed on Amy:

  1. Remove the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin to prevent them from blocking us getting right into the stretch marks.
  2. Caroline will then perform Micro Needling on the area which will create little micro channels in the skin and re enforce the skin tissue to rejuvenate an reform itself.
  3. The third step is a session of Radio Frequency treatment which will help to remodel the area and tighten and firm the surface of the skin also.
  4. The last step is something we only advice and that is that Amy does topical treatment at home.

Amy’s verdict?

She reviewed the treatment as fine and that she had expected a lot worst, going onto that yes it was painful in certain areas especially on her sides. She compared the feeling post treatment to the feeling of sunburn.


Reducing stretch marks with Shapes and Shadows

We recently saw Amy of the blog, Shapes and Shadow visit our Sword’s clinic to undergo stretch mark reduction treatment.

Caroline began by explaining to Amy that stretch marks are the most difficult things to treat but possible and went on to tell Amy that before she begins treatment, she has to take a look at the stretch marks before determining what would be the best treatment.

After looking at the area, Caroline knows that the best way to treat the area is by a combination treatment to give the best response.

The following is step by step what treatment Caroline performed on Amy:

  1. Remove the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin to prevent them from blocking us getting right into the stretch marks.
  2. Caroline will then perform Micro Needling on the area which will create little micro channels in the skin and re enforce the skin tissue to rejuvenate an reform itself.
  3. The third step is a session of Radio Frequency treatment which will help to remodel the area and tighten and firm the surface of the skin also.
  4. The last step is something we only advice and that is that Amy does topical treatment at home.

Amy’s verdict?

She reviewed the treatment as fine and that she had expected a lot worst, going onto that yes it was painful in certain areas especially on her sides. She compared the feeling post treatment to the feeling of sunburn.


CEO and director, Caroline Hooper’s advice after Noelle’s first Treatment;







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